Member-only story
Greatest Nuggets Of Timeless Wisdom From Puerto Rico.
Did you know? Puerto Rico is the world's oldest colony and belonged to Spain. What is going on my wonderful friends! Your boy Yash is back again with yet another fascinating story; this time from Puerto Rico. And as always, without any further Ado let's jump right into it.
1. A good beginning is half the work done.
2. Although the monkey might dress in silk, it is still a monkey.
3. Calling the devil is not the same as seeing him come.
4. God's greatest act was to make one day follow another.
5. He who lacks ideas makes those of others his own.
6. Hurriedness is not necessarily the daughter of foolishness, and delay is not necessarily the daughter of cowardice.
7. I will do anything except bear the responsibility of guarding the house that has two doors.
8. It is not enough for a man to know how to ride, he must also know how to fall.
9. Love is deed, and not fine phrases.
Did you know? Puerto Rico has America's largest Cave Network.
I'm going to leave you with the bonus of the day today and as always thank you for reading, peace and love to all of you. Until next time - cheers! And here's your bonus of the day:-
Never say no due to pride, and yes due to weakness.