Did you know? More than 160 million Americans are on a diet at any given time of the year. Well honestly, I do believe we are amidst an obesity crisis. What is going on guys! Your boy Yash is back again with yet another fascinating story. Today I got for you 7 foods that might be able to help you with your weight loss journey. And as always; without any further ado let's jump right into it.
1. Eggs - A magnificently nutrient-dense super food which is high in protein and fat and also helps you feel full for a long time.
2. Fish - Loaded with high quality Protein and healthy fats, fish is an excellent source of iodine which is absolutely essential for good thyroid function and metabolism.
3. Cruciferous veggies - Veggies like broccoli and cauliflower are not only high in fiber but are also incredibly fulfilling and satisfying foods.
4. Cottage cheese - High in calcium, this super food boosts your protein intake; which is extremely essential for building muscle.
5. Avocado - Extremely rich in heart healthy fats and fiber, avocados are very satiating.
6. Full fat Greek yogurt - Not only is the super food an excellent source of protein, but it also has probiotic bacteria that can improve the functioning of your gut.
7. Extra virgin olive oil - Not only weight loss, but it can also reduce inflammation support heart health and lower blood pressure.
As always, thank you for reading and I wish you the best with your weight loss journey. 6-pack will look great on you. And, until next time - cheers!
Did you know? Maintaining a daily gratitude journal can improve your health significantly!